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European Standard EN 15154 – Safety showers
Part 1 : Plumbed-in body showers for laboratories
Part 2 : Plumbed-in eye wash units
Part 3 : Non-plumbed safety shower for the body
Part 4 : Non-plumbed safety shower for the eye
The objective of the European Standard Project is to achieve a European(technical) standard to avoid potential conflicts amongst national standards.
The Standard for Plumbed-in body showers and eye wash units was achieved in 2006 (EN 15154-1 and EN 15154-2).
15154-3 and 15154-4 parts achieved in 2009 deal more specifically with non-plumed safety shower for the body (part 3) and the eye (part 4) giving devices such as Prevor’s showers and eyewash units the recognition of technical and technological standards.
Principle > either mechanically wash or sufficiently dilute the substances to render them harmless
Principle > either mechanically wash or sufficiently dilute the substances to render them harmless
Flow rate : in accordance with the national legislations
If no legislation = 60 l./min. is suitable
15 minutes of performance
95% of flow rate in diameter of 40 cm in order to avoid all risks of flooding…
Non dangerous flow rate for the user
Water quality
Potable water or water with a similar quality
No «contamination» due to the materials used in the construction of the system
Hypothermia risk; minimum recommended water temperature of 15°C (in annex)
Information to be provided by the manufacturer :
Installation, operating and maintenance
Method and frequency of routine testing
Marking to identify the manufacturer (on the shower)
Flow rate:
Minimum capacity established to 10l for the skin; any exemptions must be justified by effectiveness
Non dangerous flow rate
Solution quality:
Innocuousness during the entire life time
Water or Solutions (if water, potable water quality or similar)
Solutions – Have to be sterile
Packaging specifications:
Dependant on the type of packaging and the solution/weight and volume
Operational within 5s
Standard compliance specification requirements:
Areas of effectiveness
Contra-indications and limits of efficacy
Protocol for claimed results
Installation recommendations
Effectiveness must be significantly proved in comparison with the water and the different amounts of alternative solution and, as such, it is left up to the manufacturer to prove its effectiveness.(Refer to the list of tested products and used method)
Principle > either mechanically wash or sufficiently dilute the substances to render them harmless
Principle > Sufficient volume and protocol > for harmless decontamination agent (or temperature)
Flow rate :
6 l/min
1000 mm (+/- 200) for installation
15 minutes of continuous performance
Non dangerous flow rate for the user (jet height between 100 and 300mm)
Valve operational in 1 s
Water quality
Potable water or water with a similar quality
No « contamination » due to the materials used in the construction of the system
Hypothermia risk; recommended T° of 15°C (in annex)
Information to be provided by the manufact :
Installation, operating and maintenance
Method and frequency of routine testing
On the shower: marking to identify the manufacturer
Flow rate:
Minimum capacity is established to 150ml for the eye; any exemptions must be justified by effectiveness
Solution quality:
Innocuous during the entire life time
Water or solutions (if water, potable water quality or similar)
Solutions – Have to be sterile
Non dangerous flow rate
Packaging specifications :
Depend on the type packaging and the solution/weight and volume
Operational within 5s.
Standard compliance specification requirements :
Areas of effectiveness
Contra-indications and limits of efficacy
Protocol for claimed results
Installation recommendations
Effectiveness must be significantly proved in comparison with the water and the different amounts of alternative solution and, as such, it is left up to the manufacturer to prove its effectiveness. (Refer to the list of tested products and used method)
Used reference for the standard EN 15154 :
Norme EN 420 on protective gloves
Norme ISO 3864 : graphic symbols : safety colours and features- Part 1
Norme EN 556-1, -2: medical devices sterilization
Norme EN 980: graphic symbols for medical devices use
Norme EN 1041: information on medical devices transfered by the manufacturer
> DIN – Deutsches Institut für Normung
– 12899-3 : safety showers in the industry
Sicherheitsnotduschen Im Labor – Standard on safety showers
> ANSI – American National Standard Institute
– Z 358.1-1998
Brochure on the Standard EN 15154
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Email: info@innovection.net
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